As we start the 2016 Hurricane Season, remember that one of the BEST ways to prepare for Storm Season & Protect Your Property is to establish a good relationship with a qualified Roofer.
Depending on the source, the 2016 Hurricane Season is predicted to be Quiet, Average, or Busy – so that doesn't help and no one really puts much stock in these predictions anyway. But the season is starting again and those of us that have lived here for a while know what CAN happen. And living under a blue tarp for months or years is NOT pleasant.
Since we usually have just a couple of days to really hunker down if a storm is coming, getting ready beforehand makes sense. It doesn't take a lot of time or effort and it will make weathering the storm much easier if your area does happen to get hit.
Heading Off One of the Most Likely Problems: Getting your roof inspected and making necessary repairs can be done well in advance and it takes one more potential problem off your plate. It will also give you a realistic estimate of the remaining useful life of the roof(s).
We work with some of the best roofing pros in every major market in Florida & each of these companies is Licensed, Insured, & Qualified to Inspect, Maintain, Repair, or Replace your roof(s). Many of these companies also offer significant discounts on repairs and/or priority scheduling for their customers on a Roof Maintenance Program in the event that a storm does hit.
Here's a listing of the companies we work with in Florida:
Call one today to make sure that your roof is ready and ask them about an ongoing Maintenance Program.
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